YFC Military
There are over 570,000 military-connected youth stationed at US military installations around the world. It's our vision to see all of these amazing young people engaged in authentic Christ-sharing relationships, regardless of where their family serves. We accomplish this by working together with local military chapels, churches, schools, and other like-minded partners.
Visit our website to learn more; including our story, ministry sites near you, and how to stay connected through YFC Military updates!
If you are interested in supporting YFC Military financially, please use the dropdown menu below to select the name of a specific staff person. If you don’t have a connection to a specific staff person, selecting YFC Military General Fund will allow us to match your gift to our greatest need.
If you would like to make it possible for a young person to have a life-changing camp or retreat experience, please also select YFC Military General Fund.
Thank you for partnering with us to introduce the hope of Christ to military-connected youth!